If he's being overly retardet and just impossible to co-operate with, hit up the fancy ignore button. If the AD carry is aggressive you should be prepared to ward the river for ganks, and force trades too if possible. Just giving up on your lane isn't something to be done lightly. The third option should be an absolute last resort. Try not to die, obviously, but do everything else in your power to help them accomplish whatever they're trying to do. You have a duty to your carry to support them (hence the name of the role). The second option is what you'll be doing a lot. Often, even aggressive AD carries realize this. The relationship between AD Carry and Support needs to be tight-knit for success. The first option is the one you should pursue first. Careful about stealing experience, but with Sona's ultimate and some well-placed heals (for instance), you can be a force for good for the rest of the team. If things are truly hopeless, you can switch to a more roaming role and try to help other lanes win their matchups. You can accept that they're going to be very aggressive and tune your play to match as best you can. You can voice your concerns to them and see if you can get them to be less aggressive, which makes supporting them easier (or possible) The way I see it, you have three options: Ultimately, like in the situation you present, supporting becomes impossible in any meaningful manner. Generally speaking, it's far easier to support more passive gameplay, and the difficulty of supporting increases as the carry becomes more aggressive. This is a tough question to answer because you aren't in control of the other person's actions.