Swiper big adventure
Swiper big adventure

  • C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\Dora the Explorer - Swiper's Big Adventure!.lnk.
  • C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Packages\_cw5n1h2txyewy\LocalState\AppIconCache\100\_Dora the Explorer - Swiper's Big Adventure!_UnlockGame_bfg.
  • swiper big adventure

    The files below remain on your disk when you remove Dora the Explorer - Swiper's Big Adventure: C:\Zylom Games\Dora The Explorer - Swipers Big Adventure.C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Dora the Explorer - Swiper's Big Adventure!.If you are manually uninstalling Dora the Explorer - Swiper's Big Adventure we recommend you to verify if the following data is left behind on your PC. This page is about Dora the Explorer - Swiper's Big Adventure version only. You can find here a few links to other Dora the Explorer - Swiper's Big Adventure releases:

    swiper big adventure

    Dora the Explorer - Swiper's Big Adventure is comprised of the following executables which occupy 20.17 MB ( 21154912 bytes) on disk: Usually the Dora the Explorer - Swiper's Big Adventure program is installed in the C:\Program Files (x86)\WildTangent Games\Games\DoratheExplorer-SwipersBigAdventure directory, depending on the user's option during install. Dora the Explorer - Swiper's Big Adventure's full uninstall command line is C:\Program Files (x86)\WildTangent Games\Games\DoratheExplorer-SwipersBigAdventure\uninstall\uninstaller.exe. The program's main executable file is named Swiper.exe and it has a size of 19.20 MB (20129736 bytes). How to uninstall Dora the Explorer - Swiper's Big Adventure from your systemYou can find below details on how to uninstall Dora the Explorer - Swiper's Big Adventure for Windows. It is developed by WildTangent. Check out here for more information on WildTangent. More information about Dora the Explorer - Swiper's Big Adventure can be found at. Dora the Explorer - Swiper's Big Adventure

    Swiper big adventure